Records + videos

plattenOur data base provides an overview of recordings (cds, vinyl, shellac records), that can be found in our archives. So far, we have indexed almost half of the estimated 100,000 music data carriers. Our film collection has now been completely digitized and can be view at the Jazzinstitut.

This includes:

  • all CDs in the publicly accessible holdings of the Jazzinstitut were completely recorded in the inventory list;
  • all 12-Inch-LPs in the publicly accessible holdings of the Jazzinstitut were completely recorded in the inventory list; Vinyls which were recorded, manufactured, and distributed in the U.S., Germany, Austria, Switzerland, UK or Czeck Republic can be find in the inventory. Further donations or incoming collections as well as jazz-related genres or jazz productions from other countires then the ones mentioned above, will be added constantly.
  • all 10-Inch-LPs in the publicly accessible holdings of the Jazzinstitut were completely recorded in the inventory list;
  • all EPs (Singles) in the publicly accessible holdings of the Jazzinstitut were completely recorded in the inventory list;
  • all Movies and films (movies, documentaries, concert clips, TV broadcasts etc.) has been completely recorded to our inventory.

Aside of that, we have recorded our holdings of almost shellac records completely.

Our database contains a mere listing of what we have. It is not meant to be a discography. We do not list the titles, personel and recording dates, as this information can be found in commercially available discographies. You can copy recordings at the Jazzinstitut, however only in reduced MP3 formats and only such recordings that are not at the moment available commercially.

Die Datenbank ist nach wie vor ein „work in progress“: Nicht nur ergänzen wir sie laufend um weitere Einträge; wir korrigieren daneben falsche oder missverständliche Einträge oder Daten sobald wir solche entdecken.

Die Plattensammlung des Jazzinstitut ist gewiss nicht allumfassend – es gibt jede Menge an Aufnahmen, die nicht in unserem Archiv sind. Die Sammlung deckt alle Stilbereiche dieser Musik ab, ist damit kein „Best of“, sondern ein Überblick über Gutes und nicht so Gutes, über gelungene Wege und versandete Experimente, über swingenden Mainstream genauso wie über Randbereiche zwischen Jazz und anderem. Die Sammlung setzt sich zusammen aus vielen unterschiedlichen Privatsammlungen sowie Tonträgern, die wir von Plattenfirmen, Vertrieben und Musikern als Donations . Please contact us, if you have any questions.


We have many volunteers who help us indexing our record collection. Our current volunteer staff caring about our record archive consists of Rainer Grobe, Thomas John and Günter Schapka.