
The Jazzinstitut Darmstadt does regularly present concerts, workshops, lectures exhibitions and other formats. Our concert are mainly presented at our concert room underneath the archive. Exhibitions in der Jazzgalerie unterm Dach des Jazzinstituts. Andere Veranstaltungen wie z.B. der Sommer-Workshop für Musikerinnen und Musiker, die Darmstädter Jazz Conceptions or the biennial Darmstadt Jazzforum we actually present in collaboration with partners, often at changing venues allover Darmstadt and elsewhere.

In addition, the Jazzinstitut awards the Kathrin-Preis - Kathrin Lemke Scholarship for Young Jazz Improvisers to musicians every two years.

An overview of our events and of other initiatives, clubs and concert halls in Darmstadt are listed in our Darmstadt Jazz Calendar. There you will also find information on the venue, when the concert begins and the entrance fees.