
The Jazzinstitut Darmstadt is used as an information and documentation center on jazz by musicians, researchers, journalists, jazz lovers from all over the world. Under "Services" you will find services of various kinds that can be requested from the Jazzinstitut.

One of our main online services is the Wegweiser Jazz(Pathfinder Jazz), a comprehensive database about the German jazz scene with contact data for musicians, clubs, festivals, labels, workshops, perodicals and much more.

If you would like to visit the Jazzinstitut in person, this page gives you some helpful advice to prepare for a productive visit. Researchers, journalists, students often make use of our Jazz Index, a comprehensive database listing published articles, books, interviews regarding most past and present jazz musicians.

We draw on these sources and our own extensive collection to present regular jazz exhibitions. Three of these have been designed as traveling exhibitions and can be rented for a fee. The traveling exhibitions are printed on tear-resistant, roll-up tarpaulins that can be hung flexibly - ideal for festival, clubs or business foyers. Music samples can be included in different forms.