The Jazzinstitut is a
- member of Internationalen Vereinigung der Schall- und audiovisuellen Archive (iasa)
- member of Arbeitskreis Kunst- und Kulturarchive im Netzwerk artehistoricum
- member of Netzwerk Mediatheken
- member of Bundeskonferenz Jazz
- member of Netzwerk Jazz in Hessen
- member of Landesmusikrat Hessen
- member of Internationalen Gesellschaft für Jazzforschung
The Jazzinstitut is in regular
- cooperation with the Center for Black Music Research
- cooperation with the Center for Jazz Studies, Columbia University
- cooperation with the Charleston Jazz Initiative
- cooperation with the Deutschen Jazzunion
- cooperation with the Neuen Deutschen Jazzpreis Mannheim
- cooperation with Jazz und improvisierte Musik an die Schule!