Darmstadt Jazzforum

The Darmstadt Jazzforum is an international conference taking place every other year since 1989 and focuses on different topics in each edition. It is an unique mix featuring an international conference, concerts, workshops or exhibitions. Each Jazzforum has been documented in our book series “Darmstädter Beiträge zur Jazzforschung” (“Darmstadt Contributions to Jazz Research” published by Wolke editors, Hofheim), a book series of seventeen volumes up-to-now which focuses on jazz scholarship and documentation.

The 19th Darmstadt Jazzforum(UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS – jazz, spirituality and the Blues of good life) takes place from September 25 to 28, 2025 . The "call-for-proposals" for the conference starts at November 15th, 2024.

Previous Darmstadt Jazzforums dealt with subjects as “Darmstädter Jazzforum 89” (1989), “Jazz und Komposition” (1991), “Jazz in Europa” (1993), “Jazz in Deutschland” (1995), “Jazz und Sprache” (jazz and language; 1997), “Duke Ellington und die Folgen” (Duke Ellington and what next; 1999), “Jazz und Gesellschaft” (Jazz and Society; 2001), “Improvisieren…” (2003), “Verrat!!… oder Chance. Der Jazz und sein gespaltenes Verhälnis zur Popmusik” (Treason !!! … or Chance? Jazz and its ambivalent relationship(s) with popular music; 2005), „Begegnungen… The World meets Jazz“ (2007), „Spannung | Tension. Albert Mangelsdorff“ (2009), „Jazz.Schule.Medien.“ (2011), „Jazzdebatten / jazz debates“ (2013), „Gender and Identity in Jazz“ (2015), „Jazz@100“ (2017), „Positionen! Jazz und Politik“ (2019), „Roots | Heimat. Wie offen ist der Jazz?“ (2021), „Destination Unknown – Die Zukunft des Jazz“ (2023)

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