Tag Archives: Jazzforschung

Our publications

Batch_JazzinstitutOur Darmstadt Studies in Jazz Research are published every two years by Wolke-Verlag. They summarize the contributions of the previous Darmstadt Jazzforum conferences and deal with different thematic focuses (e.g. "Jazz in Europe," "Improvisation," "Duke Ellington and the Consequences," or "Jazz.Schule.Medien.").

However, the Jazzinstitut is regularly involved in publications by other publishers and authors. Recently, we have also documented our exhibition series "German Jazz Photographers" in our own book series.

The address directory on jazz life in Germany, the "Wegweiser Jazz" was last published in print form in 2010. Since 2012, we have been offering an online database of addresses for jazz activities around the world at www.wegweiserjazz.de, which is growing almost daily. Users can create and manage entries there themselves. A monitored editorial system ensures the security and reliability of the data.

Early issues of the Jazznewsletter are still available at the Jazzinstitut. The print series ended with No. 10. Since then, information about activities of the Jazzinstitut Darmstadt can be found online in the “Jazzbrief”.

In addition to scholarly or service publications, the Jazzinstitut publishes the monthly Darmstadt Jazz Calendar, an informative leaflet that provides information about the musical activities of the local jazz scene. Here you can find concert notes and short reports about new projects of Darmstadt musicians. The Darmstadt Jazz Calendar is available in Darmstadt pubs and hotels, but can also be accessed on the Internet from the main page of our homepage: "Darmstädter Jazzkalender Online“.

Darmstadt Jazzforum

The Darmstadt Jazzforum is an international conference taking place every other year since 1989 and focuses on different topics in each edition. It is an unique mix featuring an international conference, concerts, workshops or exhibitions. Each Jazzforum has been documented in our book series “Darmstädter Beiträge zur Jazzforschung” (“Darmstadt Contributions to Jazz Research” published by Wolke editors, Hofheim), a book series of seventeen volumes up-to-now which focuses on jazz scholarship and documentation.

The 18th Darmstadt Jazzforum takes place from 27 to 30 September 2023 (abouts (Thema “Destination Unknown: Die zukunft des Jazz”) findet vom 27. bis 30. September 2023 statt.

Previous Darmstadt Jazzforums dealt with subjects as “Darmstädter Jazzforum 89” (1989), “Jazz und Komposition” (1991), “Jazz in Europa” (1993), “Jazz in Deutschland” (1995), “Jazz und Sprache” (jazz and language; 1997), “Duke Ellington und die Folgen” (Duke Ellington and what next; 1999), “Jazz und Gesellschaft” (Jazz and Society; 2001), “Improvisieren…” (2003), “Verrat!!… oder Chance. Der Jazz und sein gespaltenes Verhälnis zur Popmusik” (Treason !!! … or Chance? Jazz and its ambivalent relationship(s) with popular music; 2005), “Begegnungen… The World meets Jazz” (2007), “Spannung | Tension. Albert Mangelsdorff” (2009), “Jazz.Schule.Medien.” (2011), “Jazzdebatten / jazz debates” (2013), “Gender and Identity in Jazz” (2015), “Jazz@100” (2017), “Positionen! Jazz und Politik” (2019), “Roots | Heimat. Wie offen ist der Jazz?” (2021)

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